# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file.
# To modify the layout, see
layout: default
description: This is the meta description for this page and will help it appear in search engines
title: Your Site Title Here
subtitle: A subtitle is an optional addition
footer_menu: triumf-footer
This is text that could be added to this page. You can type here to add any text to appear formatted straight on the page. For text in the column layouts, you must use the p tags shown below.
<!--- This code snippet is used for the two column layout with the text, add the text and images in the sections below --->
<img src="assets/ubc_20220315_pj_0683.jpg" alt="Alt text is important to include for images to be accessible to all users" width="600" height="300">
<a href="/research.markdown" class = "subtitle">Our Research</a>
<p>Our group works on the following research topic(s) and we have this experiment. This is a very brief explanation of the science behind it, and why we do this research. </p>
<!--- This can be repeated multiple times --->
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<a href="/facilities.markdown" class = "subtitle">Our Facilities</a>
<p>We use this facility for our work. Here are some examples of what we do and how we use the facility. </p>
<div class="column">
<!--- resizing images needs to done in HTML, the following format can be used to set the image size-->
<img src="assets/ubc_20220315_pj_1016.jpg" alt="Image of an experiment at TRIUMF" width="600" height="300" border-radius="50%">
<!--- This can be repeated multiple times --->
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<img src="assets/ubc_20220315_pj_9731.jpg " alt="Image of an experiment at TRIUMF" width="600" height="300">
<a href="/people.markdown" class = "subtitle">Our People</a>
<p>Our team consists of talented people who do this, this, and this. This is some more information that could be shared about the team. </p>